Acceptable Use Policy
We’re in this thing together. The actions individual members take can have a big impact on our system as a whole. That’s why all Talloo users must follow this Acceptable Use Policy. If you violate this policy, we may suspend or terminate your account.
Prohibited Content
Please don’t be offensive on Talloo, to promote anything illegal, or to harass anyone. You may not share:
Pornography or other sexually explicit items
Offering to sell illegal goods or services
Prohibited Actions
We work hard to keep our system clean, but we count on our members to pitch in too. You may not set up multiple accounts for any person in order to send similar content unless you’re part of a franchise.
As a service provider, we feel it’s our responsibility to be extra vigilant about preventing abuse. It’s also in our best interest to keep the system clean because our reputation depends on it. Please do not:
Harass, stalk or bully
Use the system to negotiate illegal activities such as terrorism, illegal gambling, or human trafficking. We cannot list all of the ills of the world, but if socially it is unacceptable, then it’s unacceptable here.
Do not hinder someone from enjoying the benefits of the service.
Best Practices
Here are some steps you can take to avoid accidentally becoming a spammer or otherwise wreaking havoc on our system:
Use the service with the intent of helping others succeed. If you’ll do this then you will succeed too.
Share the good stuff. If you create noise then other members will not want to hear what you have to say.
Although Talloo is similar to other networks the key to success here is keeping your discussion business-related.
Thanks for taking the time to read our Acceptable Use Policy. If you follow these guidelines, then you should have smooth sailing with your Talloo account.
Updated: June 1, 2024
Contact Us
1120 S Rackham Way
Ste 300
Meridian, ID 83642
Phone: (208) 995-3436